function addMarkers(){ mySelect = document.getElementById('selection'); New_Milford = [];Kent = [];Washington_Depot = [];Salisbury = [];Watertown = [];Bethlehem = [];mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Bethlehem Schools",'all=Bethlehem'); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Kent Schools",'all=Kent'); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("New Milford Schools",'all=New_Milford'); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Salisbury Schools",'all=Salisbury'); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Washington Depot Schools",'all=Washington_Depot'); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Watertown Schools",'all=Watertown'); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("---------------------------",''); New_Milford[New_Milford.length] = createMarker(new GLatLng(41.61161790,-73.41415380),"
Buck's Rock, Llc
59 Buck''s Rock Road
New Milford, CT 06776

[ View School Profile ]
",iconGr); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Buck's Rock, Llc",'New_Milford=' + New_Milford.length); Kent[Kent.length] = createMarker(new GLatLng(41.78224990,-73.45667720),"
Marvelwood School
476 Skiff Mountain Road P.o. Box 3001
Kent, CT 06757

[ View School Profile ]
",iconGr); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Marvelwood School",'Kent=' + Kent.length); Washington_Depot[Washington_Depot.length] = createMarker(new GLatLng(41.67998300,-73.29665100),"
Rumsey Hall School
201 Romford Road
Washington Depot, CT 06794

[ View School Profile ]
",iconGr); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Rumsey Hall School",'Washington_Depot=' + Washington_Depot.length); Salisbury[Salisbury.length] = createMarker(new GLatLng(42.00086320,-73.39239130),"
Salisbury School
251 Canaan Road
Salisbury, CT 06068

[ View School Profile ]
",iconGr); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Salisbury School",'Salisbury=' + Salisbury.length); Watertown[Watertown.length] = createMarker(new GLatLng(41.60301130,-73.12416410),"
Taft School
110 Woodbury Road
Watertown, CT 06795

[ View School Profile ]
",iconGr); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("Taft School",'Watertown=' + Watertown.length); Bethlehem[Bethlehem.length] = createMarker(new GLatLng(39.60944400,-77.70154800),"
World Horizons International
P.o. Box 662
Bethlehem, CT 06751

[ View School Profile ]
",iconGr); mySelect.options[mySelect.options.length] = new Option("World Horizons International",'Bethlehem=' + Bethlehem.length); map.removeOverlays(Bethlehem); map.removeOverlays(Kent); map.removeOverlays(New_Milford); map.removeOverlays(Salisbury); map.removeOverlays(Washington_Depot); map.removeOverlays(Watertown); setTimeout(function(){map.addOverlays(Bethlehem)},1000); setTimeout(function(){map.addOverlays(Kent)},1000); setTimeout(function(){map.addOverlays(New_Milford)},1000); setTimeout(function(){map.addOverlays(Salisbury)},1000); setTimeout(function(){map.addOverlays(Washington_Depot)},1000); setTimeout(function(){map.addOverlays(Watertown)},1000); maxLng = -73.12416410; maxLat = 42.00086320; minLng = -77.70154800; minLat = 39.60944400; reCenterMap(); } // End addStateMarkers JavaScript Function function openAll() { if (map) { selectChange("all"); } else { setTimeout("openAll()",200); } } // Takes an array of markers and centers/zooms map based on marker range function centerByArray(myArray, recenter, newMaxMin){ if (newMaxMin == true) reMaxMin(myArray); for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){ var markLng = myArray[i].point.x; var markLat = myArray[i].point.y; if (markLat > maxLat) maxLat = markLat; if (markLng > maxLng) maxLng = markLng; if (markLat < minLat) minLat = markLat; if (markLng < minLng) minLng = markLng; } if (recenter) reCenterMap(); } // Reinit max/mins function reMaxMin(myArray){ //alert(myArray[0].point.x); maxLng = myArray[0].point.x; maxLat = myArray[0].point.y; minLng = myArray[0].point.x; minLat = myArray[0].point.y; } // Recenter map based on global max/mins function reCenterMap(){ //alert('#' + minLat + '#' + minLng + '#' + maxLat + '#' + maxLng); var bounds = new GLatLngBounds(); bounds.extend(new GLatLng(minLat, minLng)); bounds.extend(new GLatLng(maxLat, maxLng)); var center_lat = (bounds.getNorthEast().lat() + bounds.getSouthWest().lat()) / 2.0; var center_lng = (bounds.getNorthEast().lng() + bounds.getSouthWest().lng()) / 2.0; var center = new GLatLng(center_lat, center_lng); var zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds); if(minLat == maxLat) zoom = 9; map.setCenter(center,zoom); //map.setCenter(center,10); /* var center = new GPoint( (maxLng + minLng)/2, (maxLat+minLat)/2 ); var delta = new GSize(maxLng - minLng, maxLat - minLat); var minZoom = map.spec.getLowestZoomLevel(center, delta, map.viewSize); if (minZoom < 4) minZoom = 4; // Lowest possible zoom is 4 map.centerAndZoom(center, minZoom); */ } // Fires when drop down list of schools changes function selectChange(selection) { var myVal = selection.options[selection.selectedIndex].value; map.closeInfoWindow(); // Add entire array based on variable type if (myVal.indexOf('all') != -1 && myVal != 'all'){ var temp = myVal.split('='); var showArray = temp[1]; // If Array is > X amount of markers, then open in a new page if (eval(showArray).length > 20) // New window depends on whether or not we're on the search page if (location.href.indexOf('nearby_schools.php') == -1) + '/map/' + showArray); else'/search////all'); map.removeOverlays(Bethlehem); map.removeOverlays(Kent); map.removeOverlays(New_Milford); map.removeOverlays(Salisbury); map.removeOverlays(Washington_Depot); map.removeOverlays(Watertown); map.addOverlays(eval(showArray)); centerByArray(eval(showArray), true, true); // Center and zoom on set of markers } // Add individual markers if (myVal.indexOf('all') == -1 && myVal != 'all' && myVal.length) { var temp = myVal.split('='); var myArray = temp[0]; var myIndex = parseInt(temp[1]) - 1; document.getElementById('map').width = "750"; map.removeOverlay(eval(myArray)[myIndex]); map.addOverlay(eval(myArray)[myIndex]); GEvent.trigger(eval(myArray)[myIndex],'click'); } // Show all markers if (myVal == 'all') { cntMarker = 0; reMaxMin(New_Milford);map.removeOverlays(Bethlehem); map.removeOverlays(Kent); map.removeOverlays(New_Milford); map.removeOverlays(Salisbury); map.removeOverlays(Washington_Depot); map.removeOverlays(Watertown); map.addOverlays(Bethlehem); centerByArray(Bethlehem, false, false); cntMarker += Bethlehem.length; map.addOverlays(Kent); centerByArray(Kent, false, false); cntMarker += Kent.length; map.addOverlays(New_Milford); centerByArray(New_Milford, false, false); cntMarker += New_Milford.length; map.addOverlays(Salisbury); centerByArray(Salisbury, false, false); cntMarker += Salisbury.length; map.addOverlays(Washington_Depot); centerByArray(Washington_Depot, false, false); cntMarker += Washington_Depot.length; map.addOverlays(Watertown); centerByArray(Watertown, false, false); cntMarker += Watertown.length; centerByArray(New_Milford,true, false); //if (cntMarker > 20) // New window depends on whether or not we're on the search page if (location.href.indexOf('nearby_schools.php') == -1) + '/map/all'); //else //'/search////all'); } } function createMarker(point, label, icon){ var marker = new GMarker(point, icon); var html = label; GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); }); return marker; }